The cough reflex is one of the body’s best “defense mechanisms”, irritation or obstruction in the breathing tubes triggers this reflex, and the violent rush of air helps clear material from the breathing tubes. shaky selective secretive secret separate shaggy shiny serious sharp shivering shallow selfish short shocking shut seemly sedate shrill sincere simple simplistic silent skinny skillful slim slippery slow small sleepy smoggy smart smelly smiling silky silly silent sick slimy sloppy sneaky smooth somber sordid soft sore snobbish sparkling sophisticated snotty sore soggy spiky solid spectacular special spiffy spicy spiritual sour spurious stale spiteful splendid squealing staking square spotty squalid spotless squeamish spotted spooky standing steadfast steady statuesque stimulating striped strange stormy stereotyped steep sticky stiff straight stingy strong opposite stupid stupendous sturdy subdued substantial succinct successful subsequent supreme symptomatic sweltering synonymous superficial swift sweet swanky sulky super sudden tense temporary teeny thin awful axiomatic average aspiring ashamed aware aquatic ancient amuck animated angry amused ambitious annoyed anxious apathetic alive alert alcoholic alluring aloof alleged ahead alike ajar bawdy beautiful barbarous belligerent bashful berserk bloody boorish scrawny scintillating scattered screeching scarce scientific scary second royal romantic roasted round rough rotten right rhetorical rightful responsible resolute righteous savory